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Mail Rules

Personal incoming correspondence, including pictures, must be sent to BCSO’s mail vendor, EarthClass, at the address below:

Burnet County Jail
Inmate Full Name and S.O. Number
PO Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131

Personal incoming correspondence includes, but is not limited to, letters, greeting cards, pictures, children’s drawings, etc. All correspondence which is NOT legal or privileged correspondence, packages, government-issued documents, and/or prescription glasses.

All personal incoming correspondence sent to an inmate must contain a legible full return address with the first and last name of the sender. It must also contain the legible full and correct inmate name and inmate S.O. number. EarthClass cannot process any materials that are bound or open like a book, and all materials they receive which are bound will be rejected. Any correspondence (envelopes, postcards, etc.) bearing illegible writing will be returned to the sender unopened. Upon arriving at EarthClass, the mail will be opened and scanned into an electronic document. The electronic document will then be made available to the facility for review and approval. If approved, the mail will be available to view by the inmate via electronic mail (via tablet or kiosk). The inmate will be notified of the mail rejection via a facility message. The sender will not be notified of the mail rejection, nor will the original mail be returned to the sender unless requested within 60 days.

All personal incoming correspondence sent to EarthClass will be scanned. For best results, mail should be no larger than 8 ½” by 11″. Pictures larger than 4″x6″ cannot be scanned. Only 10 pictures per correspondence will be scanned.

All original mail will be retained for a period of 60 days. After 60 days, the original mail is destroyed. Prior to the end of the 60 days, senders can call GTL requesting original mail at 1-866-516-0115. Any applicable fees associated with requesting original mail return are the responsibility of the requesting party.

Mailing Address for Legal Mail/Packages/Parcels/Government Issued Documents/Prescription Glasses:
Inmate’s Full Booking Name & S.O. Number
Burnet County Jail
900 County Lane
Burnet, TX 78611

Mailing Address for Inmate Funds (Cashier’s Checks and Money Orders ONLY):
Burnet County Jail
900 County Lane
Burnet, TX 78611